65th Belt PRCA Rodeo
Join in the fun on Father’s Day weekend for the
65th Annual Belt PRCA Rodeo
Saturday June 14, 2025 6:00pm / Sunday June 15, 2025 2:00pm
Dust off your hats and pull on your boots for some heart pounding,
action-packed family entertainment. This is where the Old West meets the young.
Yearly added prize money draws top-notched competitors to this hometown
rodeo where they gun for the big money as they are matched up with the
toughest broncs and bulls that Brookman Rodeo has to offer.
The competition is tough and exciting!
The professional cowboys and cowgirls will be going for the win in 8 events:
Bareback Riding, Steer Wrestling, Breakaway Roping, Saddle Bronc, Team Roping, Tie Down Roping, Barrel Racing and the Grand Finale - Bull Riding.
Friday June 13, 2025 7:00pm @ East Side Bar
Saturday Performance Only
Sunday June15, 2025 11:00am @ Main Street, Belt
Don't just watch - ENTER the parade
School & agricultural groups welcome - Children & pets
Riding horses and teams w/ wagon - Tractors and vehicles
Line-up 10:30 at RR overpass
For info - contact 406-868-4764
All tickets are General Admission
Adults $20
Ages 6 - 15 yrs. $10 5 yrs and under are Free
We are proud to welcome back
Brookman Rodeo was started by the late Marvin Brookman in the early 50’s. He put a herd of horses together while working with his father on the CBC’s. He had 2 daughters, Reita and Cleita. His daughter Reita married Jim Reinhart and together they worked on the ranch and helped out with the rodeo business. Reita timed rodeos and was active in the business until the time of her death in May of 2007. Reita’s daughter, Cathy and husband, Dave Wieferich took over the reins managing the rodeo company when Marvin suffered from a stroke in July 2002. In July 2005, Marvin Brookman was inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, CO. He passed away in January 2006.
Marvin raised 99% of his bucking horses from the sires Alimony, Bar Fly, Iron Sides, Double Deck, Medicine Man, and Rough Water. He raised approximately 30-40 colts per year and his breeding program continues on, producing great buckers. Dave & Cathy continue on with the quality of blood lines, as well as the sound, production, and all other areas of rodeo to make it great family entertainment.
Dave & Cathy have 3 children, LaTasha, Tesa, and Tate. They are active in helping run cattle from the arena, sorting rough stock and timed event cattle, and helping with the feeding.
Jeff was born and raised in Belt, Montana. He started riding bulls at a young age, and had a very successful career in the rodeo arena. He qualified for the Montana Circuit Finals multiple times, and was a Northern Rodeo Association Finals and Year End Champion. After retiring from bull riding, Jeff picked up the microphone, and has been active on the production side of western sports events ever since. He has announced the Professional Badlands Finals, Northern Rodeo Association Finals, and Elite Professional Bull Riders Finals many times. He has been named the Elite Professional Bull Riders Announcer of the Year many times. He has announced throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada, including ranch rodeos, Tough Enough to Wear Pink events, Professional Bull Riders Touring Pro Division, and PRCA rodeos. Jeff has also had the opportunity to do voice-over and television work with Mid Rivers Communications, SWX and Altitude Sports Network. He is currently in the studio weekly with Lyons Productions working on the Montana Rodeo Series broadcasts, and was recently hired as the floor man for the Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals.
JJ Harrison grew up in Okanogan, Wash., where his love for the rodeo began. It wasn’t until high school when JJ Harrison decided to actually get involved in the events at the rodeo.
He took his passion to college with him and joined the rodeo team as a bull and bronco rider at Washington State University. “I gradually realized that I was a wimp and I migrated to team roping.” Harrison said. “I had a lot of fun and success roping over the years, but it wasn’t a career I could have.”
Harrison really established himself in Walla Walla, but didn’t expect his move to further his career in rodeo. “I moved from Pullman to Walla Walla to follow a girl” Harrison said. “I lost the girl but kept the town.” Pat Beard of the Beard Rodeo Company was the first to recognize Harrison’s talents in Walla Walla, Wash., and hired him for a bull riding competition he put on in Vancouver, Wash.
Harrison taught science and social studies at a Walla Walla middle school for eight years. “I think I enjoyed that middle school humor almost more than the kids.” After a few years of balancing teaching and rodeo, Harrison was forced to choose between the two.
Though his love for the rodeo surpassed his passion for teaching, Harrison believes that his time in the classroom has influenced his witty and energetic act as a rodeo clown. “I’m a ball of energy that is quick witted and eager to find humor in every situation. I think it stems from natural ability and my experience in the classroom.”
What makes Harrison a good rodeo clown isn’t that scripted humor or set jokes most clowns use. It’s the off the cuff stuff and spur of the moment quick wit that are his best attributes.
Little Belt Rodeo Association couldn’t be more ecstatic to have JJ Harrison entertain fans for the 64th Belt Rodeo.

Mutton Bustin’
Mutton Bustin’ – For the Kids!!!
Have a blast watching the kids try to ride the Muttons during Saturday and Sunday Rodeo Performances.
Contestant must weigh less than 50 pounds. There is no age limit.
Sign up will be at the rodeo each day: Saturday 5 to 6 p.m. and Sunday 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
10 Children per rodeo performance
Parent is required to sign a waiver provided by LBCA.
Get Primed for Sunday Rodeo:
11:00 a.m. Hometown Parade through downtown Belt. To be in the parade or for more information, contact 868-4764